How to lose weight without starving or going to the gym

as absurd as the title may sound I'm too broke wayyyy to broke to get a gym membership tag

hello so I 20f have been struggle with my weight for a very long time I was actually a average weight child growing up but when I was 17 I fell into depression and eating was my source of comfort so I binge ate I gained alot of weight from being an average weight at 17 weighing 40kg to 60kg at 18 from 60kg to 75kg and 19 from 75kg to 80kg and now I weight 83kg at 20

my height is 150cm so I'm basically morbidly obese I'm off my meds and I guess in my happy place now so I need serious help losing weight

part reason I wanna lose weight is because I want to work overseas in maybe 2 yrs and I have to do my medicals to get approved and weight is the only thing that will get in my way

I currently work as a Beauty Therapist and I think that helps me not gain more weight as it is a physical job im mostly standing than sitting

I use public transport so from my home to the bus stop is 650m my workplace is in a secluded place where ppl connect with nature so like its a long walk.... from the main road (bus stop) I walk 600m to work and from work again going home

I'm rumbling idk how to explain 600m to bus station 650 m to work place 650 m from work to bus stop 600m from bus stop to hom

thats my everyday walks I honestly hope yall understand and read this and help me

what kind of food should I eat ? should I jog after work? what app should I use? please help a girl in desperate need I wanna feel beautiful again