My boyfriend is upset I’m prioritizing my education over my relationship with him

My boyfriend gave up an extremely good highschool to be with me, even though I told him not to. I’m not completely happy with my school as I feel it isn’t what I want, and I’ve recently been accepted into a school which I originally got waitlisted for. I told my boyfriend but it lead to an argument in which he kept insisting I’d be happier at my current school and that I’m not fighting for us since I said that even though I’d be sad if we broke up, I’d understand his decision. He’s saying that I’m not considering his choice and it just makes me angry. I wasn’t accepting the offer immediately as I need time to think about it, but his reaction just upsets me in a way I can’t describe. How do I approach this in a way that he’ll understand?

UPDATE: Me and my boyfriend talked it out. Turns out, there was a lot of miscommunication. He was really anxious since he feels as if he’s losing me, but he realizes that he was wrong and that he supports me. We’ll go from here, but it’s boiled down to that he’s anxious, realizes he’s wrong and is looking for help and trying to break out of this mindset.