Follow up to me trying to handle terminal cancer as widow mom of Three
Many of you commented on my original post a few days ago. I was not expecting so much feedback and kind words.
So first of all I would like to say thank you.
Unfortunately, my latest scan results are not very positive. They have found metastases in my liver and lungs and time is running out. Over the last few days I have had many discussions with my family and children and we have made good progress in accepting the situation we are facing.
I have looked into many of the options you people have recommended and have found a way to pay some of the medical bills with the help of the medical centre where I am being treated.
But I have still not managed to sell the house or get any financial help with my plan to take my children to live with my relatives in Europe.
Many of you have told me to set up a gofundme, which I have done. But there is zero traffic. As I'm not allowed (I've also contacted the admins) to post on any helpful subreddit (I've got 70 days until im allowed, which is kind of weird bc that's like half of what's left).
So I could really use some good advice on how to reach the right people. If anyone has been funded before and has any good ideas, please let me know.
Thanks again to everyone who takes a minute to help a stranger and please stay well.
Love, Hailey