My dad is slowly killing himself.

My dad is in his late 50’s and slowly killing himself through a sedentary life style.

His diet is absolutely terrible. He absolutely refuses to drink water. Only drinks full strength sodas and sweet tea. His diet is that of a toddler. Cheeseburgers (no toppings), potato chips, etc,

He has had more kidney stones than I can count. He had a heart attack in his early 40’s which should’ve been his sign. He changed habits briefly but once he was back to “normal” he was right back at it. This has been a rinse and repeat my entire life. He’s not visually that obese which doesn’t help because the problems aren’t visualized.

I’m very active and conscious of my own diet. He lives out of state but every-time we see each other his physical health gets worse and worse and his habits are burdening everyone around him.

Every-time I try to talk to him about it, he always comes back with things like “well this is made with water” (soda). Or “you do this insert bad meal” and there’s never any progress made.

I don’t see him being around for another 10 years and no one can seem to get through to him. He doesn’t drink, has been somewhat successful financially, but is just so stubborn and ignorant.

At Christmas I offered to buy him a Garmin watch and even pay for a personal trainer and dietician so we could track each other. He completely ignored me.

What can I do? I feel like it’s hopeless and he’s starting to be even frustrating to be around.