Strangers care more then blood
It's pretty sad when I have strangers more concerned about me and my daughter daily. Yet none of my family even care or ask how we are, if we are safe? Shit if they just asked about stormie even that would be okay. 11 days homeless and havnt even reached out once since Halloween. Well if anyone even gives a shit we got vouchered till the 22nd for the hotel we have been staying at since last Friday. That gives me more time to find more permanent housing solutions, also through all this we meet storms autism education specialist Friday to get a schedule figured out, and she is gonna help me with more resources to apply for on her end. My family thinks I'm just fucking off, not doing anything but partying? Doing drugs, "bouncing all over the place" like damn im living quite the life apparently 😂 tell me what i did next im invested in what you know about my private life when you have only had a handful of conversations with me in months. I legit havnt had any money for extras. We don't even see the ssi till the 8th which puts it at 35 days since the last check. I literally went into this shit broke, and for some funny reason my family thinks i should have been in a room already renting this magical room that doesn't exist lol with no money for over 2 weeks?, and a difficult special needs child to add that is soooo easy to handle according to them. I made the right choice to protect my daughter and myself but in the end I am completely abandoned by people who have become more selfish and only offer conditional help and "love " lol spreading lies and not correcting them when proven wrong. Being aggressive and rude to me on the phone only to play "worried" seconds later on another call to talk shit because you believed the tweaker who has so going for them that you treat more like family then us. I seriously don't get it, how can one family be sooooo toxic? Like yall already used me for your own gain for years, don't you feel any guilt for your neglect of us? To write me off for years when I reached out plenty of times about myself not being mentally well and you guys literally pushing me to a breaking point while you put on the act of ignorance to my determination, question? Did you guys like all forget i legit tried to kill myself june of 2020? Or did you guys just think that was a jokey joke hardy har har. Fucking sad man. All the drama and betrayal, secrets literally spilled for your own gain of brownie points, like grow up and start holding yourselves accountable for your toxic behavior.