Fellow Astrologers, How Often Do You Take Into Consideration Minor Aspects like Semi-sextiles and Semi-squares in your practice, be it Natal Readings, Predictive Cycles or something else?

Back story: A couple of months ago, Franz Ferdinand (Archduke Franz Ferdinand Carl Ludwig Joseph Maria of Austria) not the band, kept popping into my head. At the time, I was thinking of the astrology of the year ahead, what historical instances that align with the current astrology- you know, those little rabbit holes you go down to link past patterns to the present.

For those of you who aren't familiar with Franz Ferdinand, here is an excerpt from Wikipedia: On 28 June 1914, Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated in Sarajevo by the 19-year-old Gavrilo Princip, a member of Young Bosnia. Franz Ferdinand's assassination led to the July Crisis and precipitated Austria-Hungary's declaration of war against Serbia, which in turn triggered a series of events that eventually led – four weeks after his death – to Austria-Hungary's allies and Serbia's allies declaring war on each other, starting World War I.

But, when I looked at his assassination, nothing significant jumped out to me. I thought nothing of it, and I just figured that his name kept popping up in my head related to something else or just because I've always thought it was a cool name when I learned about him in 9th grade world history back in 1980!

Last week, I decided to watch an Astrology Hub podcast Youtube Video with Rick Levine. I love Rick Levine, though sometimes, he is hard to follow (not because what he says is confusing, he just adds a lot of information in a short time frame)- but he was talking about the current election cycle and inauguration and the energy of the present and how it relates back to Franz Ferdinand. Now I don't remember which placements he was talking about, but he referenced using semi-squares.

Anyway, this got me to thinking how I can overlook minor aspects unless if I am purposely diving deep into something, or looking at aspect patterns. I don't totally disregard them, but I also don't put much effort into them either.

So, I am curious about your thoughts on the minor aspects, how you use them, when and why and what have you discovered.