Explore the 2024 NYC Marathon Results and Finisher Data
This week, I collected the results from the 2024 NYC Marathon and used them to create an interactive dashboard on Tableau. I also wrote up a brief analysis of the data. I'm sure many of you ran the race, and others might just want to poke around in the data for curiosity's sake.
On the dashboard, you can see how an individual ranks against the rest of the field and explore the overall distribution of finish times. There's also some data on how many people qualified for Boston and by how much.
Tableau Dashboard: https://public.tableau.com/views/ExploretheResultsofthe2024NewYorkCityMarathon/2024NYCMarathon
Written Analysis: https://runningwithrock.com/2024-nyc-marathon-data/
A few interesting nuggets of data:
- Of men under 40, 9.4% (1,383 / 14,772) finished under 3:00.
- Of women under 40, 7.3% (1,042 / 14,312) finished under 3:30.
- ~4,800 finishers qualified for Boston under the new qualifying times. This is slightly higher than last year, although the percentage of finishers qualifying is slightly lower. The race had ~4,000 additional finishers this year (a new record).
- Men under 35 were particularly hard hit by the new qualifying times. 668 qualified, and another 269 were between 2:55 and 3:00. That's a far larger percentage than any other age group.
- The percent of runners in their 60's qualifying is much higher (~15-16% for men, 17-19% for women) than any other age group. From 45-59, the typical qualification rate is ~10-12%, and it's lower as you move down the age scale.
- 351 runners in the 60-64 age group (genders combined) qualified, and 150 of them qualified by more than 20 minutes.
- Connor Mantz's 2:09:00 finish is the second fastest time by an American man at NYC, behind Alberto Salazar's 2:08:13 in 1981.
Anyhow, hope y'all find this interesting. Happy to answer any questions if there are any.