Did your 20’s suck?

I’m 24f & I’m absolutely hating my 20’s. I’m always busy and rarely ever have any time for myself or friends. I just don’t know how long I can keep doing this. Is this a unique experience or does everyone’s 20’s suck? Does it get better?

People say these are your glory days and you have the most energy, so do everything you can now…. but I’m just depressed and drained. All I do is work and housework.. is there hope that I might be happy/content again one day?

(Edit: I am financially secure. I work full time as a manager and I am in school. I just feel like I’m missing something that others aren’t.. like why do people speak so highly of their 20’s? I’m literally miserable and I have to convince myself to keep going. I rarely go out and “party” like people say you do in your 20’s.. I feel like I’m wasting my youth being miserable, and I’m not sure if this is a normal feeling or not)

(Edit 2: I have a boyfriend, a support system and good friends. How I’m feeling isn’t about not having anyone or being lonely)