Leaving a Controlling Household – How Can I Get My Important Documents?
Hey everyone, I’m looking to get some advice before my upcoming move.
A little backstory, I’m a 23 year old female who grew up in a very strict and controlling immigrant household. Things such as never having my own bank account, phone line, access to important documents, ect, have contributed to making things very difficult for me. I’ve never been allowed to do basic “adult” things on my own and my current situation has left me clueless and confused.
Some things to note : I’m not allowed to move out (I currently live at our other house 10 minutes down the road while they live at our old one) and there’s cameras everywhere. They call me the second the see my step foot outside and I have to ask for permission to do things such as go get food, go to Walmart, ect.
So here’s the thing, I’m planning on moving from my current state to Arkansas, within the next few weeks to a month. Unfortunately, given the circumstances, I will be leaving my family behind and not disclosing to them my whereabouts.
What I need help with is understanding how to go about gaining important documents I need. My parents currently hold onto my social security, passport, birth certificate (I was born outside of the US) and citizenship paperwork.
All things I need into order to start a new life on my own. I may possibly be able to get my social and passport however they won’t allow me to have the other documents (I have not told them the reasoning as to why I need them)
I know I can get copies of them after my move, however I need to apply for insurance and other things and would like the quickest and easiest solution. I may for the time being be able to get copies of them, would those work for insurance, at the dmv, ect?
Also, if anyone can think of any other documents I may need before I cut off all contact with my parents please let me know!
I’m open to all possibilities and help! Please be kind and do not try to pressure me into telling them, it unfortunately isn’t possible nor is it something I want to do. Thank you!