Visiting a dying person one last time-ok or not?
So I(31M) work at a big retirement community and I got along with many residents there and some whom I became really close to. I recently learned one of the residents I got close to is in hospice in her apartment and she probably won’t make it past next week. Her whole family is over. She was probably one of the few residents I became close with. She was big into gardening and so was I and we talked a lot about that. We met up at plant sales together and I showed up at her presentations(outside of work) so I can learn. She gave me some books about plants. I just haven’t seen or talked to her in a few years after her husband died and she became inactive(she is in her 90s). So do I, after losing touch for a little bit, do I just show up and go visit her one last time? I’m very sad and I feel like I’ll regret not seeing her again but I know some people who are dying don’t want to show their state to others and want to be remembered when they were still healthy. I don’t want to disturb the family and their hard times either. Do I also have to be professional as a worker and just move on? Idk, I feel like I’m going to lose control and break down in tears in front of her and her family.
Edit: Thanks everyone, I did go see her one last time. While she wasn’t fully awake I’m confident my words went through her. It was sad to see her in such state but I’m really glad I did. Her family was happy I visited too.