Is CC corrupting anyone else’s files?
Creative cloud has a nasty habit of corrupting some of my photoshop files if I save it on CC, it’s only some of them though, and they are very specific.
I like to keep all of my stuff organized and I have a ton of folders within folders within folders, just so everything is nice and clean. Sometimes photoshop will straight up just corrupt some of my files that are in deeper folders and make them unusable, whenever I click on them it gives me that wifi error message that says it can’t download them, I tried downloading files that aren’t as deep in folders as they are and my wifi works just fine, so it can’t be that!!
I use two computers on my Adobe account, one at home and one at school, I tried opening the files on both computers but none of them work.
So I’ve lost a bunch of my art because CC has just held them hostage like that, it’s annoying as hell.
And funny enough, sometimes they will show up under “most recent” as if I’ve opened them, which I haven’t, because I LITERALLY CANNOT!
Plz tell me I’m not alone in this, I’ve stopped using as many folders as I do just to stop CC from doing this 🥲