What's your best Royal Show hack? (Other than don't go!)
Over the years I think lots of us have learned tips and tricks for the Royal show, some are great and doable for everyone and some are more of an unethical option that are fun to think about rather than do, here's some of mine:
- If you leave going to the show towards the end of its run you can get cheap ride coupons off market place for those who purchase but didn't use them all.
- As above with tickets for people who won them but don't want to go, just be smart about scammers!
- speaking of ride coupons...this one's not legal but I've always thought...same tickets every year but just seem to be a different colour? There's nothing special about them they are just those admit one coupons you tear off. Someone with the guts could easily buy them online. I wish they'd hurry up and come up with a digital version of these because they are a pain to rip off and too easy to lose! -get your kids to pick their showbags then buy them online with after pay and have them at home waiting for them. Don't even step foot into the showbag hall with sugar crazed money hungry kids. -park somewhere close but free and uber it in to save money.
- Can't wait to read yours!