a nerd in a small town

Being a collector and living in a small town is horrible; there are no stores or garage sales to get things at good prices. The only thing I can do is get things online. I only have 4 Star Wars VC figures, and there aren't any fast-food places either. A few months ago, here in Mexico, a Sanrio x Yu-Gi-Oh collection came out at McDonald's, but the closest McDonald's to my house is a 10-hour drive away in the nearest city. It's the same with the movie theater; I can't see movies on their release day or get the promotional items. Here in Mexico, the most popular theaters are the "Cinépolis" ones; they release great movie items, like the Alien Romulus popcorn bucket shaped like a xenomorph's head. We don't even have a Walmart to get good prices on figures or other stuff. The town I live in is only 4 kilometers (about 2.5 miles) wide.

I'm a complete nerd, and I have nerd friends, and we all agree it's horrible living here. I can't even get a Funko Pop without ordering it online. I just finished the equivalent of high school, and I'll soon get a job while studying for my degree online. I hope to earn some good money to buy things, but there aren’t very good jobs here. When I finish university, I’ll be able to move to a big city and get a better job—that’s what everyone who leaves town does. Here, with just a high school diploma, you can only get jobs that pay around $100 a week, in stores like "Oxxo," which is the Mexican equivalent of "7-Eleven." If I lived in a big city, I could find better jobs. I’d love to work at a movie theater; I could buy the collectibles before anyone else and take home the posters after the movie is out of theaters. If you have any questions, ask away—I'd love to know your thoughts.