Acne Scars update! 2nd 40% TCA peel at home

So just a further update after another tca peel (40%), anyone following my progress will know I did a peel around 6 months back with great results, I am now 7 weeks post my 2nd peel which I did in early January. I did say I was going to do an in depth explanation of how I apply the acid and the recovery but have unfortunately been super busy and just not really had the time to put into it, I will try to do this next time. These images are from before I started all treatments (left) and today (right), I am now starting to see the results coming in but I should still get more improvement for the next couple of months.

Just a word of warning, if you do attempt any peels make sure you start at a low percentage and work your way up slowly so you definitely know you can tolerate the peel, also be aware, particularly with the stronger peels, that your scars will look worse for the first 4-6 weeks or so before starting to look better, just try not to get disheartened with that initial period and trust the process 👍