Accutane results ✨ 16 months on accutane - 3 months post accutane
Hi everybody 🫶 hopefully my post can help at least one person because I remember seeing not many people with acne fulminans when I was at my worst anywhere online. IT GETS BETTER 💛💛💛 I’m 3 months post accutane. I was on a pretty low dose for 16 months because I felt terrible when I was bumped up to 40mg per day. So majority of my course I was on 20mg. I’ve also had 4 fraxel + C02 sessions which obviously helped so much with scarring. Honestly it was one of the most difficult journeys of my life. But we made it. Hope this can inspire someone who’s struggling that you will have amazing skin again one day. I did a loooooot of guided meditations + breathwork and positive affirmations about my skin along the way. But yeah I found accutane really affected my daily quality of life and mental health / ability to weight train / and was tired all the time. Also my hair grew out curly with it and initially I lost a lot of my hair from breakage because it was so fragile and dry! I’m wearing minimal make up but in the second pic I’m not wearing any :)