Huge difference in side effects between 30 and 40mg
Just wanted to share this because it was a very curious experience for me.
I got started on 20mg and felt perfectly fine - absolutely no side effects except cracked lips, my skin was healing and and I was living the life.
Then I got put on 40mg and that’s where everything went downhill. I experienced pretty much all of the side effects that there are to experience - nausea, headaches, debilitating lethargy, brain fog and confusion, muscle aches and back pain, sensitivity to bright light, eczema, nose bleed, even heart palpitations (though not sure how related). I felt so incredibly tired and shitty, and couldn’t think straight for the life of me. I remember I was supposed to meet a friend at a cafe, but I showed up on the wrong day and couldn’t for the life of me figure out why she wasn’t there or responding to me. Then I sat down to do some studying and didn’t have it in me figure out what the sentences were saying. Then later that night I threw away my cutlery together with the remains of my food. All of which are not too concerning as isolated, occasional incidents, but it was never this bad even when I pulled an all nighter. It was impossible to get through uni with the fatigue and brain fog (and tbh I was quite concerned) so I asked for my dose to be lowered to 30.
Lo and behold, all of those side effects went away after starting taking 30, and I felt as fine as on 20mg, only with significantly more dryness. I never experienced nausea again, my muscle aches lessened, and I had more energy. And it’s only a 10mg difference, which is crazy. I guess there must be some kind of threshold that varies from individual to individual, but it was so strange how huge of a difference it made. I think the moral is you don’t necessarily have to suffer on accutane, and you should listen to your body and how much of the medication it can take. I was hesitant to lower my dose because I didn’t want to ruin my treatment plan, but it was 100% the right decision for me