How Would you Enter Utility Bills?
Maybe a stupid question, but here goes. I work for a property management company and pay, on average, over 100 utility bills per month, and I'm struggling on how to enter them. My invoice numbers in Sage 50 Canada are "MMM YR - Property Address" and dated for the month
Here's some examples:
Straight forward billing period: Dec 1-Jan 1
Obviously this is usage for December, but I don't receive it until the end of January/early February. Do I name and date it for the month OF THE USAGE, or for the month of receipt of the bill I.E Jan 21 - 889 Mariners dated receipt date of Jan 28th OR Dec 20 - 889 Mariners dated for Dec 31st, 2020?
Random billing period: Dec 15 - Jan 14.
No idea how to name/date this one... the girl before me has some bills on the period of this being December and some with this being January .. I want it to be universal and can't decide which is more accounting practice appropriate?
I'm thinking bills that start 1st-15th of December will be "December" bills as most of usage is in December, and 16th-31st bills will be "January" because most of usage is in January ...
Is the general rule not to date things in the month they happened? The girl before me was all over and I just continued on as I was only supposed to cover a mat leave. Now she isn't coming back I'd like to change it to be more accurate..