Were the spear exors playtested?
I'm sorry, I'm all for a difficulty spike in the game, but these enemies are such utter bullshit. I decided to make a run through a certain village to grab some resources I needed, and you wanna know what happened? I was zipping around in my upgraded jetpack, I had 3 of them aggro, INSTANTLY teleport onto me, and all of them immediately 1 tap me down to 1/4 HP, and then proceed to 10 seconds later teleport on top of me again, no reaction time, and kill me.
There's bullshit, and then there's BULLSHIT. I can deal with damage sponges. I can deal with infinite range enemies that shred my healthbar like tissue paper. I can deal with enemies that teleport/jump around like a coked up electropest. But enemies I literally cannot react to? Come on. And it's not like that's the only thing that makes these enemies frustrating as hell to deal with!
Any tips of any kind on dealing with these things?