Club Ark Singleplayer Issues

I've been trying to run the Summer Shark minigame for hexagons, and I'm only able to complete it once. After that, any further completions don't reward additional hexagons, all existing hexagons and rewards are wiped, and my character gets deleted the second I leave the map. Exiting to main menu and attempting to "Join Last Session" just provides an error ("Failed to join last played map!"). This mode has been out for a good minute, is there any way to fix this bug?

Sometimes when I leave progress stays, and sometimes it gets wiped. The game indicates that a save file exists but it keeps getting purged.

The game's been doing this weird thing with normal mods where activating them in game doesn't work, and I have to add their mod ID to the list in the gameusersettings.ini file. Club Ark wasn't on that list, and I didn't realize I had to add it too.