No chat makes games feel so different

I just had a game that felt relatively normal. In the beginning we were losing, but mid game caught up. And then late game we smashed them. I did pretty good, kind of carried, and I even had a funny nexus finish. So, I made a replay to rewatch the end.

I didn't know that replays had chat turned on... Oh my god. The chat was so absolutely toxic. I would have never guessed based on the gameplay. They were talking about nonconsensual sex, lesbian lovers, Kamala for some reason, small dicks, clits, and just were making genuine toxic comments.

I have chat off, cause I'm too lazy to find out how to turn it on, and I feel like reading all this toxicity while playing would have made me play so much worse. It was pretty funny to read in a wtf type way.

Do you guys play with chat on? If so do you ever find it distracting?