What are your tank builds?

Hey everyone,

I've been playing a lot of tanks lately in ARAM as I enjoy the role. Especially if I have a healing support. I run the 5% heal runes and I just become a final boss by lategame.

However, my builds on different tanks I play ( Braum, K'Sante, Thresh, Blitz, Nautilus, Alistar and many more :D ) are purely based on instinct. Like if I play Braum who pokes a lot with Q, I run tear. I might not with K'Sante simply because it is not recommended ingame. I know it's not wise to follow what the game suggests but when it comes to builds, I'm not very knowledgeable.

Maybe I'm missing the essence of some items on some champions. So with that said, I would like to know how do you approach building your tank? What's your logic?
Apart from the AD team => full armor and same for AP team and mana issues, is there anything else to keep in mind?

I might have not mentionned every thing that contributes to what items i should get and when. So no basics, aight, i've been doing ARAM's for a while now.
