What’s y’all opinion on teachers’ inflating grades but in a weird way
So basically our ap lit teacher has a weird grading scale because she knows her class is hard and doesn’t want it to effect people’s college admissions being rescinded Note she doesn’t take late work unless you gotta go excuse, also out grade is inflated by around 15% because if we take our ap exam we get 100%, also out school makes us do a interview, and she’s has us do a project which I heard is an easy A.
A+: 97-100%, A: 92-96%, A-: 90-91%
B+: 87-89%, B: 84-86%, B-: 80-83%
C+: 77-79%, C: 62-76%, C-=50-61%
D+:47 -49%, D: 38-46%, D-: 30-37%
F: 0- 29%