Where does AoW 4 go next?

So I waited to see how the second season pass content looked before buying, and what’s available looks great and Giant Kings looks really really good, so made the purchase last night. I think Triumph loves what they do and loves and respects their fans too, so it was an easy sale for me. But I do wonder where the game goes next. Would there be a third season? I think with the customization already available, is more better? There are a few more fantasy tropes they could certainly include, but would more races, societies etc add to the game? Or water it down? I think an empire mode like we saw in Planetfall would be interesting, or a change to how the game is played fundamentally. Maybe an advanced race(s) that is a ‘final boss’ of sorts that you would want to stay under the radar of early to mid game, and depending on how you position yourself with the other game factions, you either challenge them with your alliance or partner with the big bad for a final battle of sorts. Against what or whom TBD. Not sure what they could do, but I think new content that really shakes things up, instead of just more faction options would be a nice idea.