What fandom did you join from fic, only to discover the original media was nothing like the fanfics?

What it says on the tin! As someone who reads fandom-blind if the fic looks good, this has happened to me a few times. It also doesn’t have to be that the original was worse than the fic, just different! Maybe the fandom was full of comedy fics, and then it turned out the source was grimdark as hell.

Mine are: - Descendants (the Disney movies): had a friend really into the fandom recommend some fic to me. Based on the fic, I thought the movies would be a thoughtful exploration of abuse of authority, oppression, sins of the father, and cycles of vengeance. Instead, I got a musical where the main character roofies her love interest and they still get together in the end. - Axis Powers Hetalia: read a really good epistolary fic. Thought the original would be an exploration of national identity, stereotypes, war, colonialism, and moral responsibility. Did not get further than the Wikipedia page before deciding I did not actually want to watch the original. - Gravity Falls: okay, before anyone gets mad, it is a genuinely good show, especially for a kids’ cartoon. However, the mystery aspects and foreshadowing were not nearly as strong as I was led to believe based on fic with coded messages in the ANs and people talking about augmented reality treasure hunts and stuff. Also, the storyline was a lot more episodic than I expected.

Honorable mentions: - Merlin: read some fic because an author I absolutely love also wrote for Merlin. Wanted to take a stab at the show. I can’t actually say whether or not the show’s themes and story resemble fic because the god-awful CGI in the preview stopped me from watching it at all - Undertale: I thought Gaster was an important character… - Silmarillion: you know, I don’t know what I expected here. Of course it was basically a history textbook combined with the Bible.