AITA for publicly embarrassing my aunt when she asked me about having kids again

I f26 am childfree by choice. I've never wanted kids, and have been honest and open about this for years. To my extended family not having kids simply because I don't want them isn't a good enough reason.


Since I was about 16 they ask me about having kids in the future every time I see them. At first, I told them that I did not want kids, not then or ever, that answer wasn't good enough, and they kept asking. So I decided to switch tactics. Because of a combination of medical conditions, I also can't have kids. (I always say I'm the best person to be infertile since I don't want kids) So when I was around 18 I started saying I didn't want and couldn't have kids. After I started saying this they would drop it for the rest of the night but still bring it up the next time I saw them. After a couple more years of this, I started just walking away anytime someone would bring it up, I would just turn around and leave, refusing to interact with them completely when having kids was brought up.

On to the current issue. I got engaged a couple of months ago, and the talks about kids have been constant since getting engaged. Both my fiance and I are very clear that we don't ever want kids. On Sunday we had dinner with both of our families and my Aunt Sophie brought up, us having kids after the wedding, even going as far as to say we should start trying now since it would most likely take us a while with my medical issues. When she said that I just lost it and screamed at her, loud enough for everyone to hear, I screamed that she is a horrible person who doesn't know how to respect boundaries, that she is painfully aware we are never having kids and bringing up my medical issues is a crappy thing to do. Sophie hadn't met my fiances family before this and it was clear she was embarrassed this confrontation happened in front of so many people she doesn't know.

Part of my family thinks I'm the asshole for having the confrontation with my aunt in front of everyone and purposefully embarrassing her, so AITA for publicly embarrassing my aunt with a public confrontation over having kids