I've been cheating on my bf AITAH ?
Okay so a little bk ground info I'm 17 and in the 11th grade and my bf is 18 in the 12th we've been tg for almost 2 years and he was cheating the entire relationship we broke up multiple times but we decided to try again and now on constantly having mixed emotions idk if I should cheat bk or if he'll take me serious this time and one day I got really mad about the old situations where he cheated on me and decided to let my guy friend pick me up and I went to his house we got drunk and did the you kno what 😭 and I stayed the night the next morning he took me to get something to eat and then home and as soon as I got inside I called my bf and we went to sleep on the phone tg and to this day he still doesn't kno 😭😭