My brother got revenge by telling my parents about my furry kink

My brother told my parents about how I'm into furry porn in a long winded and very mean text as a form of revenge.

Obligatory apologies, grammar etc I'm dyslexic and dont really give a shit.

So it starts at about 3am in the sitting room i decide to head to bed and look over to find that my brother has fallen asleep on the couch. This is somthing he does often and no matter how many times I try to wake him, its always a battle also so I turn off some lights and put on a "sleep stream" as background noise and head to bed. At about 9 in the morning I get the following text

(Context brother and I have "3c" curly hair and routines are a pain in the ass)

Hey, so quick question. What part of (BROTHERS NAME) hasn't slept in 24hrs" & "I'm planning to stay up all night" led to "let's let (BROTHERS NAME) fall asleep with a crooked neck & unprotected, freshly done hair on the couch in an extremely stuffy room with the lights all on. While I go out of my way to switch apps to YouTube, select their account & put a lil snapcube-sleep-stream on for them so they can smell like last nights dinner & a dog who regularly has to have the shit cut out of his own fur & also farts like an old, starving cowboy who's spent the last fortnight eating nothing but boiled leather boots on the open trail, so I can fuck off to god knows where? Probably, my own bedroom to edge so hard to a furry visual novel, I give myself permanent blue ball" hmmm?

Just curious? Cause I know I've sent your ass to bed after pausing the video you were getting distracted by, putting my foot down & parenting you as if I'm the one who pushed your big ass head out my own fuckin pussy.

I'm here, helping you when you get distracted & waking your ass up so you don't fuck up your neck so badly, the next time you twitch, your head dont come flying clean off, but you seem to always be the 1st to sneak off to bed? Pissing off, leaving me smellin like shit, lookin like shit & feelin like shit after a 6hr, creek kneck, broke back, swamp nap,

without even the common fuckin courtesy of opening the fuckin blinds, right?

All I'm saying is, your ass better be ready to bring Diggs to the groomers today, cause I'm not in the fuckin mood..... FUCK! 😤

Love u, ye lil prick. I feel a lil better now, shithead. ❤️🖕

More context blue balls = I have a groin injury that I confided to him about, because I was nervous about "whipping it out" for the doctor. Twitch = I have a tic from anxiety that's messed up my back pretty badly. Im also almost certain hes exaggerating, if not just making up the stuff he does for me. although I'm not exactly keeping track, and am definitely biased.

I glance at this text when it comes in see how long it is and promptly ignore it.

Maybe 20 minutes later I hear him pounding on my door and screaming through it, he's yelling somthing similar to what I had been texted and by the time I realise he won't fuck off I'm pretty pissed. I open the door grab him by his collar we proceed to shove eachother around a bit before he walks away. Obviously I know violence isn't the answer, but since we were kids he's used this tactic of riling me up until I snap and then playing the victim to our parents.

I go back to bed and try to fight off the incoming panic attack cause I know he's going to do his victim routine, and my parents really don't need that stress rn. Then I get a a text in the family group chat

The text:

I'm just letting everyone know, The man child who just quit his job & thinks an "all-nighter" is when u retire to ur bedroom to goon urself to sleep at 6am, is no longer my responsibility.

I will be making no good nature attempts to send him to bed on time because i care about him and his already wonky neck or attempting to wake him up or get him to turn his phone back on because I empathise with other family members stress levels.

If u want him to wake up, u can put ur own neck on the line considering I'm the only neck he's willing to wrap his nasty nailbitten hands around in an attempt to choke me in what I can only describe as a similar encounter to an attempted mauling by a drunk, tired and only slightly less hairy chimpanzee.

Not that it should matter since there is no excuse for assaulting a family member or resulting to physical violence, but I was behind a closed door. Expressing the mildest frustration at his inability to care for me the same way I care for him, but using no other words, phrases or sentiments that i havent heard from mam or dad being directed at the both of us, & the man with the world's shortest fuse unlocked the door, grabbed me by the neck & spent a full minute blindly trying to choke/knock me down.

There's is no evidence of his attempt to get me to back off before resulting to his baboon rage, since there was none.

I will however forward the message I sent last night since it was sent several hours earlier and was inteded as unserious and mostly humorous in nature.

Sincerely, the autistic punching bag of the household who "can't take a joke"

He then proceeds to forward his first txt

My parents are super chill and accepting and I've never felt the need to hide things from them but like most people I don't exactly want my parents to know that I "goon to furry visual novels"

I cry for an hour or 2 and after getting out of the house for a bit, I come home sit down with my parents and the response I get to the furry stuff is pretty much "good for you". I ask them to talk to my brother and let him know that he's crossed some very big boundaries, aswell as just being very cruel and they do. As I'm leaving the house tho I over hear the "talk", his response? "i was just joking" the 3 magic words that he loves so much I'm out of options so I just take to ignoring him. Over the next 3 days he tries to talk as if nothings happened I ignore him On day 3 he catches on and sends me this text

(User nuny0urbusiness), I am so genuinely sorry that you felt betrayed by me putting that comment in the group chat, but I need u to know that while I may have sent incredibly nasty text messages before, ones that may have absolutely deserved a punch, those texts yesterday were meant as nothing but humorous, it was intended to be a read and an attempt to make light of a shitty situation.

I would never intentionally betray ur trust like that because that's a horrible thing to do, & i wouldn't ever want to put u through that, but since u may not trust me rn, I'll try to convince you with logic.

1) It would absolutely backfire immediately.

Not only could u send something just as nasty about me, but why would I send any evidence that I was also being horrible, unless I thought it was compleatly innocent? Couldn't I have just deleted the initial message & played dumb? I thought it was funny enough that I sent it straight to the parents, even adding onto it. I mainly texted the parents myself so as to get my story straight with them & thought i should include that incase that's why u were mad, tho I doubted it.

2) I could've said worse I'm not saying this as a threat but u and I know more damning and embarrassing things about eachother than just that, like specific kinks (the 1 u and nico share) AGAIN! NOT A THREAT. That's would be horrible to share & you'd only send worse about me.

But I specifically went out of my way to avoid stuff that would upset u, making my 3rd point.

3) I avoided all of ur triggers. I know what makes u upset & while I didn't think mam would appreciate the language, nothing there was out of bounds, or so I thought.

It was all stuff we've joked about before. Everything from ur head twitch to body hair. U like ur body hair?! Stuff that was all within bounds. & the other 75% of the text was joking about Diggs's farts and my broke neck, broke back, swamp nap making me smell like shit.

I specifically avoided things like ur dyslexia & ur trauma from school and learning support. Because I wasn't trying to actually be horrible or nasty, (again not a threat, I genuinely would never, thats the point)

4) & my final point. The furry joke. The specific thought process behind that joke was as follows.

Whats something funny that a grown man would retreat to his room to do in the middle of the night? Jork it.

More specific = funnier.

If u watched family guy clips before bed and complained about a sore back.

I would've said "u jorked it so hard to family guy clips u threw ur back out."

But you had a ball injury and i know u play furry vn's before bed, as do I, so.

"(User nuny0urbusiness) had that thing with his balls that he thought was blue ball and joked with mam and dad about. Is he ok with jokes about it tho?"

"Yeah, we had a conversation about a day ago where he told me it was a permanent vein thing, & I apologised and asked if he was sensitive about it & he said no."

Also "(User Nuny0urbusiness) is a furry & plays furry vn's (they're deffo not all sexual, since he plays more than me.) (Also mam and dad know this, we've both been making jokes about it with them since we were 14,)"

"(and I'm pretty sure they've seen his fursona. & I've talked about vn's to them & joked about having a crush on the fox from zootopia.)"

Put them all together and you get "(User nuny0urbusiness) went to bed to edge so hard to furry vn's he gave himself blueball"

Which is as objectively hilarious, just as a sentence as it is compleatly unverifiable & totally deniable.

The last thing I expected u to do was to bold face admit to mam and dad that u have a "furry" "fetish" and to tell them that it was a secret I had exposed in order to embarrass u.

Again see points 1 & 2 for why that would be a dumb and awful idea.

The main reason I was so quick to try to move on from this despite the fact that, from my initial perspective, a complealty fair game joke got me strangled & made out to be a keniving, evil, untrustworthy sociopath.

Is that I'm in such shock over why tf you would tell them something, that was so personal?!

You can ask mam and dad, i was compleatly dumb founded when they told me that. I had to stare at the wall for a minute cause I couldn't make eye contact with them.

Like i really am sorry, cause none of that was anywhere near my intention, or even something I could ever imagine happening?!

But I really don't think it's fair to blame me like I'm some evil bastard, because as sorry as I am. I cant take responsibility for that, even accidentally. It was all clear from my end, & u had so many outs.

Fair enough if u were upset by anything else I said, I apologise for that, i thought i was being safe.

but u can't keep making me into the mastermind villian of ur story, u have to take some responsibility here, too.

& once again, I am so sorry ❤️

Im now trying to figure out if he's gaslighting me or manipulating me in some other way, or if im just stubborn so I accuse him of gaslighting me and tell him again that he was the one who said i was "jerking it to furry vns"

He then sends this text

Part of making a joke is exaggerating or making stuff up that isnt suppossed to be taken seriously. I thought the tone indicated it was a joke pretty clearly.

Like I said, the joke could've been about u jorking it to family guy clips if that's what u did before bed, & mam and dad wouldn't have believed it until u told them.

It being sexual WAS the joke, the conformation that it was fact came from u.

I would never intentionally do that to u because that's horrible,

but if that's not enough, points 1-4 from my original text illustrate why it's also,

old news,

the least weird thing I could've told them

& also why the entire plan to embarrass u would be dumb and only get me in trouble.

What happened sucks & I'm sorry, but I won't confess to this idea that I'm some sort of evil manipulative monster. ❤️

And that's where we're currently at, it's 4am and I just want to know if he's manipulative or if im stubborn. In short who is the arsehole.