AITAH For holding my soon-to-be-former brother in law's phone number hostage?

A few months ago, my sister confided in me that she believed her husband was cheating on her. We made plans to find out for sure, and long story short, he was caught red handed.

My sister is pursuing divorce and my soon to be former brother in law is fighting it tooth and nail. She wants him out of the house and he refuses to leave. And the kicker is, he has still been in contact with his affair partner! My sister has been distraught watching this ass going goo-goo eyes over his phone to his side piece in their home.

Now here's the thing. I am the account holder for the family cell plan. Both my sister and the jackass are on the plan.

So with my sister's blessing... I suspended his phone line. This made him BIG MAD. He uses his cell for work and to run his business. He stomped and yelled and threatened but I kept that thing OFF and refused to reinstate service.

So he took his phone and went off and created his own account. However, they are unable to port his number without MY authorization.

The guy has had this phone number for close to 20 years. It's the number that is on all his business cards and paid adverts. It's the number that all of his clients and colleagues have. The number all his family and friends have memorized.

He came to our house enraged. My husband met him out in the yard and BIL was screaming at the top of his lungs over it. I called the cops. My husband calmed him down. Cops came, and told BIL to leave and not come back unless invited.

BIL has been in contact with my husband and begging for me to authorize the port. My husband says that maybe I should to just end all the drama and be a bigger person.

I told my husband he could let the jackass know that isn't happening until he is out of my sister's home and not for less than $2500.

But I fully admit that I am in protective big sister mode. I'm not thinking clearly through all the rage I have for the jackass that hurt my sister.

Is refusal to port the phone number a step to far?