Had Sex at Ex Boyfriends House
My ex-partner (M42) and I (F34) were together for five years - for the most part. I caught him cheating on me a couple of years ago, but took him back. He always had issues with jealousy and possessiveness and when we got together, I was very sad about my mother getting cancer and dying. We had really good times, but they were usually tainted by some small little fight or argument that we would have. Anyways, I finally had enough and broke up with him a couple months ago. Since then, he has been texting me constantly telling me that he loves me and trying to get me back. I haven’t been shutting this down because we are still involved in business together and I didn’t want to have a contentious relationship. This weekend he went away and asked me to stay at the house that we used to live in together so I could watch the dog, of course I did that. I was not very mindful or demure and I brought another gentleman to the house and had sex with him there. And after he left I chatted on the phone with my friend about the men I’d been seeing and how I was feeling, etc. My ex got back this evening and texted me that he had purchased a nanny cam for the dogwalker and the cleaner and “forgot to turn off the audio” and heard me all weekend. He is now calling me a slut and saying that he hopes I die in my sleep. I’m wondering how much of this is my bad and how much is his. I feel violated that he recorded me without consent but, also recognize that I was a disrespectful bitch.
AITA for being recorded fucking a dude at my ex’s house?