AITA for using a electric cart
I 38M have spastic diplegia cerebral palsy and use a wheelchair and forearm crutches. I was shopping with my 3M and 11F kids. When I'm shopping with one of my older kids, I usually let them go get the cart so I don't have to lug around my crutches. Because of this, it's not always obvious that I need the electric cart.
We got into the store, and in the middle of my shopping, a woman walked up to me, saying that I needed to stand up because she needed the cart and there were none left. I told her I couldn't do that and that I needed it too. She said I clearly wasn’t disabled and didn’t need it.
I told her I do need it and that I can't walk, but she just started yelling that I obviously could walk and that she bet I parked in the handicap spot as well. I told her I did because I’m disabled and need it, but she kept yelling. When I said I have cerebral palsy, she said I didn’t look like I had it.
Then she grabbed me and tried to pull me to stand up, but I just fell. She kept yelling that I needed to stop faking, even though I obviously wasn’t. She kept trying to make me stand up, grabbing at me again.
Another guy saw what was happening and stopped her. She started yelling, and other people called the police. A woman helped me get back up. Luckily, my daughter and son only saw the end part because I had sent them to pick out a snack.
I told the police I didn’t want to press charges because I didn’t want the hassle. s8o am I the Ahole?
(I'm not saying she was faking a disability or that she wasn't disabled. She did walk in there, but of course, that doesn't mean she didn't need the cart.)
(Edit) I am pressing charges because this happened recently enough that it's still an option