AITAH for lying about money to my family?

So I (19F) live with my parents and go to my local community college. They're aware I get financial aid from the school. Before I first enrolled, my mom gave me a talk to tell me I'd have to start paying 400$ a month once aid came in. I agreed because I don't want to feel like a burden. Although there's a few months where I payed a bit more and was hounded for cig and beer money it was pretty consistently this amount. Now im in my second year, I'm really trying to save since I plan on transfering after the spring semester. Last month I got paid a little extra, suddenly a bunch of shut off noticed happened due to bills that haven't been paid in 2019 or something like that, but it wasn't entirely that sometimes it was stuff like giving 20$ for my dad's lunch and even got asked if I had anything in my savings for cigs and beer, which I was taken aback by because she knows I'm not trying to transfer soon.I got paid a few days ago and today I got asked to pay 100 more. I lied and said I didn't have it because I got a small amount this time because even if it was partially nessecary I'm a bit bitter I had to pay 3x the agreed amount last time and due to the fact little reason was given besides "I had to pay a bunch of bills and buy a bunch of food this week." I'm honestly a bit suspicious given how willing she is to do stuff like spend my savings on addictions that aren't even mine. I'm a bit worried paying more than the agreed upon amount will become a habit especially since there's been no formal conversation about raising this amount. I hate to be an ass, but the fact she doesn't work and doesn't do much while the kids are at school makes me feel a bit more annoyed at this. If I tried to discuss this, she'd simply tell me to move out if I don't like it. Honestly she has a point. I feel super bad about lying since I don't usually do it, AITAH?