AITAH if I press charges on my fiancee's, parent's, neighbor's, daughter's, boyfriend.

Long title, sitcom level title, I know lol so my dilemma is this. Me and my fiancee went to visit her parents house for the week, we had a long distance before she moved in with me and every time we go back into town to visit, I always park in the same spot, never had an issue. Well this last time (2 days ago) we got into town around 5:00-5:30pm, and not 2 hours later there is a big dent in the driver side between my front left tire and mirror.

I didn't find out till about 10:30am, when I went outside the night after we parked , the way I know it was only 2 hours after we parked is because I went to all the neighbors asking for video footage of the front yard if they have it, thankfully one of them did. And I got them dead to rights. Backing into my car, and bolting, he had a big truck. And my car was a Toyota Corolla, so tha argument "he might not have felt it" came up. BUT, watching the video footage of the collision 100% shows his truck moving from the crash as he hit the brakes, stops for legit a second, maybe 2. And then takes off.

I have a police report made, and they are waiting for me to get back to the With the footage later tonight, where I originally said I wanted to press charges, it was a hit and run after all... my issue is that when u asked the neighbors, that hit my car, they said they didn't know anything and had no footage recorded, so the boyfriend the did it could have hid it and not told anyone, or he could have honestly not have noticed.

If I press charges, it's my fiancee's family that has to be neighbors still, and if they get mad I press charges, they are the ones that deal with the after math of drama if they take it to that level. (No clue if they will)

INFO: my car is still being paid off, it's on lease, that end in less then a year, and I know they are gonna say it's voided, and try to keep me from trading it in when the lease is up. Or maybe charge me extra.

SO, TLDR: should I press charges on the neighbors daughter's boyfriend for hitting and running my car, or try to settle it on our own if he pays for the damages. (We are planning on going to talk to them later today)

P.s. I typed all this out with Shane's voice in my head the entire time lol, thanks smosh.