AITAH for telling my gf looks don’t matter

Ok so I know I goofed on this one. I (30M) and my gf (27F) ran into an ex girlfriend of mine last night at a restaurant. Nothing weird about the encounter, the 3 of us made small talk in the foyer while we were waiting to be seated/she was waiting for her date. We spoke for maybe a total of minutes and didn’t see for the rest of the evening after my gf and I were seated.

During dinner, my gf wouldn’t stop asking questions about her/why our relationship ended. Keep in mind that outside of tonight I haven’t seen this woman in over 2 years. I gave her a generic, yet honest, answer explaining that we got along well but ultimately wanted different things. She then pressed on saying that she’s really attractive and asked if I still thought she was hot. Sensing that she was feeling a bit insecure, I told her that while my ex is conventionally attractive I am very glad that the two of us are together and that I’m much happier now than I ever was with her.

That seemed to satisfy her and I changed the subject so I thought we moved on…nope. As we leave the restaurant my gf catches a glimpse of her and says “Wow her body is amazing, I wish I filled out a dress like that”. Again, I do my best to reassure her and tell her think that she’s very cute and I’m happy we’re together because my ex was way too high maintenance.

She then takes things the wrong way and straight up asks me “So if G was less materialistic, you guys probably wouldn’t have broken up then?”. I didn’t think that was a fair question and that “hypothetical scenarios like that aren’t realistic. I tried to further elaborate my point by saying hypothetical scenarios like that aren’t healthy. I doubt that I’m the best looking/richest/most well endowed guy you’ve dated, but we’ve both dated other people and have enough life experience to know that personality trumps looks in a healthy long term relationship.

Tl;dr: the general point I was trying to make is that she while my gf may not be “hot” she is very cute and her personality puts over the top of any girl I dated.

So Reddit, AITHA?