My thoughts on Crystal Clash

Also wrote a longer explanation in the latest survey. Hope the message gets through. It is frustrating, it is time wasting to a degree, it makes even the good rewards seem small and it isn't fun! All you get is: "Thank god, it's over!" You can't even choose your own pacing, because the obtainable resources don't roll over next day. In short: Make it better or scratch it! Next time this event pops up without changes, would probably be my breaking point. This game needs seriously some breaking point management, because it takes a lot to make loyal players go away.

Also wrote a longer explanation in the latest survey. Hope the message gets through. It is frustrating, it is time wasting to a degree, it makes even the good rewards seem small and it isn't fun! All you get is: "Thank god, it's over!" You can't even choose your own pacing, because the obtainable resources don't roll over next day. In short: Make it better or scratch it! Next time this event pops up without changes, would probably be my breaking point. This game needs seriously some breaking point management, because it takes a lot to make loyal players go away.