Anyone else have a reaction like this? **Possible Trigger Warning**

Managed to get ahold of her cardiologist and they put her on another new medicine. Fingers crossed this one works, especially since we've already got her ablation scheduled.

So this isn't about me, but my poor mother. She was recently diagnosed with AFIB and is now going through the motions of getting it taken care of. They stuck her on blood thinners of course and the first one she's now off of because of a reaction to it. New doctor gave her another thinner and now this one is worse as far as the reaction. Similar reaction, but worse this time around.
Yes, we know it's a drug reaction, because it doesn't happen unless she's taking the medicine, and she's been biopsied several times by a derma and nothing. Even they were like, why are you here?
So I'm curious if any of you have had a reaction like this, and what you were told or did about it?