After a big concentration time, my mind "disconnects" and ADHD takes control
So, I want to explain a situation I had yesterday. I was at drama class, I had to do a performance, all I could think about this week was about this performance to be good and when I arrived, I filled all my energy into this. When the performance ended, my mind just "disconnected" from reality as I say it's when ADHD takes control.
I was checking where my bag was as I couldn't find it and I begun to run between the class and the changing room, because once the concentration is over and I just finished, I just don't remember basic things... Like all my concentration vanishes. For example, I do classes at a university and after I finish giving classes, I have to always come back to the class once it's finished because I forget something there. In the first year of uni, I borrowed 4 whiteboard pens (and now I don't know where they are! haha)
Then, we had to give some assignments to our teacher (I did bring the assignment to class because I was annotating it before the performance) and I couldn't find the papers I had to give to the teacher and I told my colleague (it was a work in pairs) that "I didn't bring the papers" (although I did bring them) and we had to improvise...
I hate when I "loose control" although I know it's my ADHD and anxiety taking control of it... Normally, I have my ADHD under control, but after a concentrated period of time, when I have to keep the ADHD under control consciously, I loose it!
Does it happen to you as well?