PETER HITCHENS: Dyslexia likely does not exist. It's a made-up affliction that's become a multi-million-pound industry - and this is who's at fault.

Just the first four paragraphs from this article, just go to show why Peter is by far the lesser of the two Hitchen's brothers.

"Who is going to break it to Jamie Oliver that dyslexia likely does not exist? And when they do, will the famous cook be delighted that he has at last been freed from the burden of this mythical complaint? Or will he be cross?

I’d guess cross. For dyslexia is one of those rare afflictions that people actually want to have. In this, it is like its equally fictional cousin ADHD. Both have no objective, testable, falsifiable diagnosis. Yet both bring certain privileges to those who think they have them.

Recipients of ‘disabled students’ allowance’ may receive extra time to take exams, a ‘scribe’, a ‘reader’, ‘assistive software’ or modified exam papers. Sometimes there are cheap or even free laptops kitted out with ‘supportive spell-check software’.

Both ADHD and dyslexia can qualify the parents of children diagnosed with them for untaxed welfare payments which are not means-tested. ADHD gets you NHS prescriptions for stimulant drugs, remarkably similar to illegal amphetamines, for which there is a substantial black market among the indisputably healthy. I’m glad to say that so far there is no pill specifically for dyslexia. Both lift a burden of responsibility from the sufferer, from his or her parents and above all from the schools they go to."