Compressed hours?
Does anyone do these successfully and if so what's your working pattern?
I'm currently 35hrs over 5 days, with 2 WFH but I often end up adding a third if my manager isn't in and I don't think anyone will notice because the three days in feels like a struggle.
I end up having pretty much one day a week where I just get nothing at all done, but the problem is it isn't always the end of the week so I'm nervous about asking for the compressed hours and then struggling to work one of the long days because my brain just won't.
I'm unmedicated and waiting for titration currently, and can't decide whether to ask to trial compressed hours in the meantime or wait for meds first and see if they help.
I just absolutely hate working 5 days it feels like the evenings aren't enough time to actually live my life so then the weekends dont give me enough time to be productive and actually rest but I can't afford to drop to part time.