Brain zaps and adhd meds
This last week I’ve been woken up at 3/4am from brain zaps.
I’m physically tired enough to go to sleep but my nervous system is apparently (to chatGPT) going through a dopamine withdrawal from my meds wearing off and are so active they cause brain zaps.
I’m unsure if i’m even using the correct word. It’s like jolts of electricity running through my head to my toes and cause jerking from legs or arms. It always feels like my brain is standing up and jumping up and down.
They’re intense that they wake me up and make me feel so restless and uncomfortable i can’t sleep.
I know this is probably due to me taking dexamfetamine. I’m currently still working out the correct dosage for me. I’ve recently increased my dosage to 10mg 3x a day and 5 mg as a booster 1/2x a day. The latest id ever take my meds is 5pm. I understand that this might be late in the day but in my job i need focus u
I’ve tried eating high protein especially before bed. Magnesium, melatonin, progressive muscle relaxation, the 4,7,8 breathing method and other ways to physically and internally calm my nervous system down.
Does anyone have any other advice or experience with these please? I’m getting to day 7 of max 4hrs sleep a day and it’s rough.