ADHD Certify - my experience so far
Hi guys
As you know, it's an absolute minefield out there trying to figure our what private provider to use if you want to go down that route, so I thought I'd tell you about my experience with ADHD Certify.
It's been pretty bad - and I wish I'd gone elsewhere if I'm honest.
I'm currently going through titration (after having to make a formal complaint about my first provider as they failed their duty of care, and was quite unprofessional) and I feel stuck,
Breakdown of costs so far:
Assessment £500
x 3 reviews so far £225 each (675)
Elvanse 30mg £140
Elvanse 50mg £150
Elvanse 60m £166
This is from September - November.
Next month, they're going to add Amfexa top ups to this (no idea how much that costs, they're not transparent with any of the costs until you get the invoice.).
I think their initial assessment fee is low, which reels you in, but subsequent reviews and meds are really on the high end by comparison to others. I wish I'd used ADHD360 as my friend has had a much better experience than me.
My shared care in Dorset has been refused, so I feel stuck now and wondering what the point in all this was anything if the doctors won't take a private diagnosis seriously.
Anyway, that's my journey so far!!