I drank a caramel macchiato today and it ruined my life

Not like for real but I feel terrible. Sooo anxious. Pre meds I was a big coffee drinker and could handle it all. It did nothing. I was a barista for 10 dang years btw. I used to fill a cup of expresso and drink it and it did barely anything. But I have not had espresso drinks since starting meds in February. Dose was upped from 10 to 20mg xr last week and I haven’t had any coffee since being on 20mgs. BAD FEELING! It was late in the afternoon so I thought maybe it would be okay. The coffee wasn’t even good and I was sweating on the ride home. On the edge of my seat. I was scared of the passing cars. It’s been a long time since my anxiety has been that bad. I wanted to go shopping while we were in the neighboring city but I got in JOANNS and felt like I was being hunted for sport. LOL Couldn’t even enjoy the sales that weren’t really that good if we’re being honest. Anyway.

I wasn’t driving at least lol. But wow. I wasn’t expecting that. Maybe they added an extra shot of espresso bc I had my kids with me and they assumed I needed it.