How many of yous had parents that divorced?

The heritability of ADHD from one of your parents is high, I heard in a podcast recently that the heritability of ADHD is in the same league as the heritability of height for example.

So, my parents divorced when I was 7. Although they were together for 26 years.

My mum was diagnosed as hyper kinetic when she was a girl, which later became ADD, and then ADHD, as far as I'm aware.

She seemed to have had a mid life crisis that seemed to have lasted 20 years, and still to this day in her 60s, she still acts as though she's her 20 yr old self. Good for her I think, but not good for me as a kid. It was hard, she was always with a different man, never checked if I did my homework (I never did homework a day in my life), never made sure I brushed my teeth, tacitly allowed me to indulge in illicit activities from a young age, and just in general always seemed to be elsewhere, rather than raising me the way a mother probably should have.

So I'm curious to know if anyone else has similar stories, how many of you guys parents are still together? Do you see the ADHD in either of your parents?