How to tell my bsf I think she has ADHD
So my best friend (female, has dyslexia) struggles a lot with school (she studies but forgets everything when she has the exam paper in front of her), with her personal life too (insomnia due to “not being able to shut down her brain” in her own words), etc. I’m fairly educated on adhd because I think I maybe may have it so I started researching like an obsessed person all about it and she shows a lot, and when I mean a lot is a LOT of adhd combined type symptoms.
I want to help her so bad because she struggles with a lot of things but idk if I may come off as weird if I just come up to her and be like “hey so I think you have adhd”. Like, maybe she thinks I’m being weird for ‘diagnosing’ her with adhd?? I’m no professional so I wouldn’t be diagnosing her with anything, I just really wanna help her
How can I tell her what I think without sounding weird?? Should I tell her this at all????? Please help
UPDATE: told her and she told me that she has thought she could maybe have ADHD too before. We talked a little bit about it and then moved on lol! I used most of the advice you guys gave me so tysm!