Realizing that people still think adhd isn’t real and our meds are just an excuse to get stimulants

My doctor passed away and I’ve had a really hard time getting a new prescription. Finally found a telehealth doctor but pharmacies won’t fill a script from them. When telling people about it they don’t seem to think it’s a big deal. I called my neurologist and asked if they would fill it until I found someone and they treated me like I was drug seeking.

I had a girl in my class tell me she’d have straight A’s too if she could get stimulants. What? I had A’s before too I was just miserable and burnt out

Reading through Reddit this morning and in one post someone was telling someone they need to quit taking stimulants because they’re bad for you. Would you tell a diabetic that about insulin? Insane.

I really think people without adhd STILL think we just need to learn to focus like wtf dude I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.

Edit: 1) just wanna add that people keep projecting their own issues with stimulants on my situation ? why ? I’ve had a hard time finding a prescription because of insurance, the only doctor that was unwilling was my neurologist. I live in a medically underserved area. Stop assuming you know everything just because of personal experience. 2) for those upset by my insulin comparison saying that not having adhd meds won’t kill you it’s literally just saying that telling someone they don’t need a medication for a disorder that medication is built to treat is stupid kind of like the extremes y’all keep bringing it to. A lot of you negative-nellie projectors are just proving my point that invisible disabilities like adhd are not treated as seriously as others. As for everyone who has been in a similar situation I feel for you. Thanks for all the fun sarcasm I can count on my fellow executive disfunctioners to provide.