Did not meet criteria. I’m sobbing
Edit: Everything has been ruled out. Im physically fine. ADHD is one of the most treatable psychiatric disorders with better success rates than depression and anxiety. Treatment can transform lives. I am hoping I can get the help I need. my Vitamin D and Iron levels were fine… checked it with a doctor. I feel vindictive . They also spelt my name wrong
I am 17 Female and I did not meet the criteria for inattentive ADHD. The psychiatric nurse practitioner said that my anxiety and trauma were masking my symptoms and that I can get more expensive testing done with “psycho educational”? testing.
Background: - I am a former “gifted” kid and I’m in a do well in school or get beat type Chinese family. edit: this is where I get my trauma from. I had to be very obedient around my mom or suffer physically. She would berate me for not being “normal.”
- I do not talk to anyone and sit alone mostly
Why I didn’t meet the criteria: - Child Vanderbilt Forms: My teachers marked occasionally for most inattentive symptoms. 1 of 2 marked high in one symptom: (2/2) negative. - - ADHD symptoms must be present in multiple settings - - There must be 6 or 5 positive symptoms - The QB testing (where you have to click if the color & shape repeats and theres a metal ball tracker) showed that I scored well in attention because I barely missed any at the beginning and missed at the end so overall I was good (I legit play this game on Lumosity but i forgot to tell her). The movement was high though and I guess the impulsivity (the misclicks) were elevated. - My other symptoms and stuff are masking my ADHD.
Her final remarks were : 1. that I need to take vitamin D supplements because I’m deficient 2. I need to get my elevated iron levels checked out. 3. I can get executive function therapy 4. I can use the endeavorOTC app 5. I can wait to be evaluated again when I become an adult
She said I dont meet the criteria but she kept referring to my symptoms as “your ADHD.” What do I do now? I want to expire. I literally crying about all the wasted time that I’ll never get back but now apparently I dont even have ADHD
Thank you for all the advice.
I am : - setting alarms for multivitamins with 100% daily dose of vitamin D - Setting a reminder for me to schedule an appointment with my primary care doctor to discuss my iron levels. - Might consider executive function counseling. - Working on my sleep schedule - Might go to psychiatrist for GAD - Will try again if symptoms persist
Clarification : - Why am I crying? Am I desperately attracted to ADHD? - Answer: No. I am not. Some people have explained it better than me but I want a clear classification of my symptoms that have well developed treatment plans for it already. I feel foolish now spending time and money on an inaccurate source of my symptoms. I am struggling to recalibrate my sights on other potential sources of my symptoms. - You want a disorder? You should be happy. - Dont understand why people think I want a disorder. ADHD or not I will still suffer the same symptoms. Now I just dont have an exact and accurate treatment for it since I dont know what exactly is causing my symptoms. I understand why people may get defensive. There can be many misinformation surrounding ADHD. Nothing changed from being undiagnosed. I just have a less clear path towards treatment and accommodation.
Context: - I started seriously considering I had ADHD after forgetting the stove on multiple times because once it left my sight , I got distracted with other things and forgot about it. - I almost crashed into a stalling car while I was sucked into a memory. - Inattention and procrastination during the day made my sleep schedule atrocious. - There are more but those are the ones that come to mind right now.