I need advice on waking up

Hello everyone, i'm an adult 25M and have been diagnosed since 2021, still learning to live with ADHD but i think I'm making progress. The issue this time is I can't for the love of god wake up on time for ANYTHING, i have 7 alarm clocks 10 minutes apart from 6:00 to 7:00, i leave my phone on top of my pc desk at least 2 meters away from the bed so i have to get up to turn it off, it used to work, however now i just turn it off and go back to bed without waking up, it sounds insane but even my roomates told me it's like i'm sleepwalking. I don't know what to do anymore, today i woke up 8:45 and arrived 1:30 hours late to work, i can't keep this up, i need to find a solution, please give me some advice.

EDIT: Guys, first day testing out stuff you told me, i reduced my alarms to 3 spread out from 6:00 to 7:30, i went to sleep in a specific time so that i would wake up at the end on a sleep cycle, and once i got up i used all my strength to not even look at the bed again, it worked, now to do it everyday