Blood pressure on meds lowered?

I’ve recently started medication, methylphenidate to be specific and it’s been great, Some side effects like suppressed appetite but I still eat and drink regularly as I can now make myself do things I don’t want do and I eat a healthy diet also as I have for a few years now, even things like my posture have improved!

Now they’ve wanted me to monitor my blood pressure as I have always had blood pressure that’s been on the higher end but still in normal range for my age.

now since starting medication my blood pressure has lowered?!? Is this normal? I was told that it might raise my blood pressure and resting heart rate but my RHR has stayed the same and my blood pressure has lowered? anyone else experienced this and spoken to a professional to understand why?

Before meds my average was 135/85ish After meds my average is 110/75ish

Seems counterintuitive lol