Is diagnose that simple?

I (29F) finally asked my therapist to test me for inattentiveness and it was just a 9 question test? I responded 7 that meet the criteria. She referred me to a neurologist and told me even tho she could support me with CBT the condition is also neurological so my life will get better with meds.

All my life I've been very successful academically and professionally but I would always feel dumb due to losing important items constantly, would have no motivation until the night before deadline for assignments but ending up doing well always, would space out at some point on every class I've had ever, I interrupt people without noticing and talk A LOT changing topics all the time. Also trouble not finishing anything at work just changing to the next activity and freeze when I have many important things to solve at few hours.

I also happen to have some kind of addiction to Coca Cola, don't drink gallons but its been years since my childhood having a can or 2 everyday. I also love pseudoephedrine for my allergies, mixed with coffee makes me sooo productive, lucid, awake, is that how meds work?

Should I get more test before medication? felt too simple