I hate how exhausting my adhd is, it’s such a fucking pain in the ass. I feel like no one understands where I come from and worse I feel like people constantly think I’m stupid and dumb because I feel like I have no common sense sometimes. I never learn from my mistakes and I procrastinate all the fucking time and I’m constantly nagged at for everything that I do. I lit depend on my friends a good chunk of the time because I have the problem solving skills of a fucking first grader. On top of that I have the worst memory skills on this planet and forget to put things away, I forget where I leave my shit ALL the time AND I forget to bring things with me. I’m literally never anywhere on time and I hate how I put that burden on people even if I start getting ready from 2 hours ago. I feel so inferior to the people around me that are my own age because they seem so mature and actually can live life like an adult while I’m 19 and still get treated like a child. I’m south asian and I have so much emotional burden on me because my parents are constantly comparing me to other people and are wishing that I can be “like them” that it’s come to where I have so much internalized frustration and anger towards myself. I don’t know why I have to struggle like this.
TL;DR: I hate my life