Stay away from Wisely (ADHD software)

I took their "1 Minute ADHD test" twice; the first time I responded honestly, indicating high levels of ADHD, which placed me squarely in the highest extreme category and gave me a core of 19.34. (They make sure to mention that “normal” is 9.1)

Then I retook the test again and filled it out as if I have zero ADHD symptoms, answered all the questions with never or strongly disagree.

Guess what….. got the same score 19.34!

Then I went to checkout and besides the fact the prices are intense for a pretty simple program, it’s the way they put their pricing that is deceptive specifically to people with ADHD, their target audience.

All pricing is $0.88 a day! (Monthly)

A) The novelty of the pricing specially targets people with ADHD

B) Makes the pricing seem more manageable

(I know this is a strategy that is used by many companies and first of all that sucks, secondly when a company is specifically pretending to help people with ADHD you would hope they would be more honest)

TL;DR: "Wisey" is a scam based on my experience.

Edit** Every couple of weeks (it’s currently 08/01/2024), someone comments on this thread that this post saved them from waisting their money. I just want to let you guys know that I really appreciate the replies. Every single time it put a smile on my face no matter how my day has been going.

Edit**** it’s called Wisey. Ma bad for the mistake.